The IRCCS Foundation “Carlo Besta” Neurological Institute, of national importance, is based on the statute of a participating Foundation, represented by a Board of Directors of great significance. The Founders are the Region of Lombardy, the Italian Ministry of Health and the City of Milan which have specific representation on the Board of Directors.
The governing bodies of the Foundation are: the President, the Board of Directors, the General Manager, the Scientific Director and the Board of Statutory Auditors.
The IRCCS “Carlo Besta " Neurological Institute was founded in 1918, and since 1981 is classified as a Scientific Research and Treatment Institute (IRCCS), and was transformed into an IRCCS Foundation under public law, pursuant to legislative decree n. 288 of 2003. The activity of the Foundation is governed by the Statute approved by Decree of the Ministry of Health on April 28, 2006.
In June 2009, an agreement was stipulated which sanctioned the entry of the Mariani Foundation into the "Carlo Besta " Foundation as the first participant coming from the private sector alongside the public founders (the Italian Ministry of Health, the Region of Lombardy and the City of Milan).
In the regional and national health framework, the IRCCS Foundation “Carlo Besta” is a center of excellence for research and treatment of the most significant neurological diseases. Besta synergistically combines the activities of scientific research, diagnosis and treatment - which give rise to a continuous improvement of therapeutic efficacy - in the field of clinical and basic neurology and deals with neurological disorders in adults and children, neurosurgical and oncological pathologies, chronic and rare diseases.
The Institute is a national and regional reference for numerous ultra-specialized centers for the treatment of specific neurological disorders. The fundamental objective of the Foundation's overall activity is to respond to health needs according to quality criteria, ethics, efficiency and scientific innovation placing the patient at the center of attention.
The IRCCS Foundation “Carlo Besta” Neurological Institute pursues the following fundamental purposes: health care and biomedical, health, clinical and care-oriented research (translational research); development and implementation of professional training and health education programs; support to universities (pre and post graduate education and training); experimentation of innovative forms of management and organization in the health and biomedical research fields.
Responsabile della pubblicazione: Redazione Web
Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/11/2022