Headquarters via Celoria 11 and outpatient clinic via Ponzio 32
- General Manager’s Office
- Health Department
- Medical Direction of the Presidium
- Booking Center desk
- Check-in and cashier service
- Post Office and Protocol
- Public Relations Office-URP
- Social Worker’s Office
- Hospitalization – In patient services
- Laboratories
- Neuroradiology, Radiotherapy, Operating block
- Outpatient clinic (entrance via Ponzio, 32)
Administrative office via Clericetti 2
- Presidency
- Scientific Direction
- Administrative Direction
- General and Legal Affairs
- Human Resources
- Economics-Finance
- Management control
Outpatient clinic in via Clericetti , 22
- Outpatient Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Child Neuropsychiatry – Private Doctors appointments
- Check-in and cashier service
Outpatient clinic in via Puecher , 7/9
- Clinics for Neurology, Child Neuropsychiatry and Radiotherapy
- Check-in and cashier service
Research laboratories, via Amadeo 42
Research laboratories, via Temolo 4
Responsabile della pubblicazione: Redazione Web
Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/11/2022