Andrea Gambini
The President of the Foundation is appointed by the Board of Directors , on the recommendation of the President of the Region of Lombardy, after consulting with the Italian Minister of Health; the President has the legal representation of the Foundation, and manages external institutional relations with Entities, Institutions, public and private companies and other organizations as well as establishing professional relationships of collaboration and support regarding the individual initiatives of the Foundation.
In particular, it is the responsibility of the President, together with the Board of Directors that he chairs, to define the activities of the Foundation, identifying the programs and projects deemed strategic, to verify the pursuit of the objectives and to achieve results in management activities, delegated to the General Manager.
Elena Gobbi - Marilena Magarelli
tel 02.2394-2010 / 2110 -
Responsabile della pubblicazione: Redazione Web
Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/11/2022